David Gilmour has criticized Roger Waters and has vowed that he will never perform on stage with him again

In a recent interview with The Guardian, David Gilmour responded to inquiries from fans and made a direct challenge to Roger Waters by stating that the two of them will not perform together again. When a fan asked the guitarist if he believes he will ever get the opportunity to perform on stage with Roger again, the musician responded, “Absolutely not.” In general, I try to avoid interacting with those who are actively supporting despotic and genocidal tyrants such as Vladimir Putin and Nicolas Maduro, the president of Venezuela.

In addition, Gilmour stated, “There is nothing that would ever convince me to share a stage with someone who believes that such treatment of women and the LGBT community is acceptable.” In contrast, I would be thrilled to perform on stage once more alongside Rick Wright, the late keyboardist for Pink Floyd. Rick Wright was one of the kindest and most musically talented individuals I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.

Mojo magazine recently conducted an interview with Gilmour, during which he discussed the possibility of reuniting the band with Waters. In his explanation, the rocker stated, “I put the entire Pink Floyd thing to bed many, many years ago.” To put it another way, it is not conceivable to return there without Rick Wright, who was Floyd’s keyboardist before he passed away, and I would not want to. It’s all over with.”

It was then that he stated, “I am extremely content and content with the small team that I have around me at the moment.” Because I am in this selfishly fortunate position of having more than enough money and having had more than enough fame, we were presented with a number of offers to go on tour and so on and so forth.

“In this day and age, I just do not require that things. We have reached the end of our journey with Pink Floyd, and it would be a waste of time to go back and try to recreate the same thing. Moreover, it would be a mistake to carry out the task without Rick,” Gilmour continued.

In 1985, Waters quit Pink Floyd, and he has not returned to the band since then. In a number of interviews, Gilmour and Waters have both expressed their refusal to consider a reunion. In another interview, Gilmour stated, “I mean, it’s not going to happen,” illustrating his point. Because there are only three individuals left, we are not talking, and it is quite doubtful that we will. Therefore, that is not going to take place.”

Recent events have resulted in Pink Floyd selling their music, name, and image rights to Sony for a total of $400 million. The agreement was reached after Gilmour and Waters struggled to reach a consensus on other aspects, particularly those pertaining to taxation. Warner Music and BMG were among the other businesses that expressed interest in purchasing the rights.

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